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Homemade Sushi

Hello Lovely !  This afternoon Gilbert and I both had a craving for sushi. Since we are trying to eat better and not go out to eat, we found ourselves extremely disappointed heading to the grocery store instead of our favorite sushi place. We normally head straight to the back of the grocery store to look for any sales on meat and fish before venturing to the rest of the store. During our normal stroll through the meat department a box of frozen tempera friend shrimp caught my eye and I instantly knew I was going to attempt to make sushi for a second time. The first sushi roll I ever made was a California roll and I told myself I was never making sushi again, if that can tell you anything about how that process went (LOL). Long story short, it worked,  but it was a two hour long process to get three mediocre sushi rolls that were thicker in some places than others. A couple weeks ago I ended up buying a sushi mat (considering I didn't use it last time I made sushi) just in

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