


Hi! My name is Breann and I am a twenty-one year old born and raised in Fauquier County, Virginia. I graduated from high school in June 2014 and started my college. career in the fall. Going to college meant leaving everything I had ever known and leaving my comfort zone behind. I moved to Radford, located in southwest Virginia, and began my undergraduate degree at Radford University. Like any other freshman, I was confused. Trying to find myself and who I wanted to be, I started collage with an undeclared major. After soul searching and LOTS of shadowing, I (re)discovered my love for biology. When telling my parents that I had decided to study biology my mom (Evelyn) responded, "well that makes sense". Three years later, I still love it, but am beginning to burn out. Countless hours of studying on top of class and 12 hours of lab per week per semester, can be exhausting, but that's college right? Besides school, I co-teach a class for incoming freshman and am also apart of an amazing sorority (actually fraternity but we will get into that in another post), Zeta Tau Alpha. Outside of school, I work a part-time job and sometimes like to have a social life. I've been in a relationship for 5 years to my dork of a boyfriend, Gilbert. I know, great name right? He's the third. Aside from Gilbert, I have another man in my life that comes in a close second favorite (possibly first, but don't tell Gilbert), my cat Tobi. He's a 15 pound tabby/mainecoon mix, who I adopted when he was 8 weeks old (now a year and a half). His adoption was definitely not planned **he was supposed to be a fish** but looking at his sweet face, I couldn't resist. I never thought anyone could love him even half as much as I could, but boy was I wrong. My 8 year old -half, but never really think of it that way- sister, Addison, gets more excited to see Tobi than seeing me when we visit home (mom says that's not true). Addison has changed my life in ways I could never explain and I love her more than anything. I think she likes me a little too. I am blessed with a big (extended) family and wouldn't change them for the world. My mom is my absolute best friend. My dad is goofy and I aspire to have his sense of humor one day. I am also blessed with amazing step-parents. I have a 17-year-old half brother named Tristen, who I have grown very close to after the bratty teenage years. Other than family, I love cooking, hand-lettering, and DIY's. This blogging thing is very new to me, but after lots of suggestions to start one, (aka. I think my friends and family just want my recipes), I decided to start this one. I'm excited to see what the future holds for my life and am thrilled to be sharing it with you.


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